Head of School's Blog

Welcome Back! Fall 2020

Dear Fayerweather Families,
We are excited to receive our PreK through fourth grade students on Wednesday, September 9th. We are living, working, and educating our students during a challenging, uncertain, and downright scary time in our country. I take solace in our mission, which states that we teach students to value themselves, other people, and our overall humanity. We have enormous responsibility and power as educators to transform hearts and minds. I see this transformation process as the purpose of education in a democracy.
Enjoy your Labor Day weekend! We will be waiting for you on our opening day, Wednesday, September 9th. Please make sure you read the weekly Weather Report, as we will be communicating on-going important information about school operations and community highlights. See you soon and enjoy the below poem by Leslie Pinckney Hill.
All the Best,
Fayerweather Street School | 765 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617-876-4746
Fayerweather is a private PreK, kindergarten, elementary and middle school. We engage each child’s intellect.